2010年4月24日 星期六

MAC key


how to use f1 - f10 key ? ans: (fn+f1-f10)
how to use end key ? ans: (fn+right or left arrow)

2010年4月23日 星期五

Tunnelblick Configurations path

/Users/neil/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations
neilteki-MacBook-Pro:Configurations neil$

Updating the locate database in Mac OS X

One of my favorite commands in Unix is "locate". It's useful to help find files through terminal - fast! After freshly installing Leopard, I realised that the database for the command had not been built.
`/var/db/locate.database': No such file or directory
No problem. To fix this simply run the command:
sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb
After a few minutes the database will be created, and you can continue using terminal efficiently.

2010年4月22日 星期四

在 Mac 中要如何使用 page up/down 呢??

A great tip submitted by Kev: A quicker page down and page up! This is especially faster on portables and the new wireless iMac keyboard where you have to press "Function - down arrow" or "Function - up arrow" as a page down/page up. It works in a lot of applications, as long as you are not currently in a text box (it doesn't work in Pages for that reason). I tried it in Mail, Safari, Firefox and Camino and it was all fine. To go down, you can simply hit "Space Bar" and you can go up with "Shift - Space Bar". It works very well and it is, nearly all the time, so much faster. I actually use it on my full size keyboard. Thanks for the tip Kev!

2010年4月21日 星期三

Exposé includes three separate features for organizing windows:

  • The "All windows" feature shows all open and unhidden windows, shrinking their appearance so they all fit on a single screen. By default, this can be activated on older keyboards using the F9 key or by pressing F3 key on the newer Apple aluminum keyboards and the Macbook keyboard.
  • The "Application windows" feature shows all open and unhidden windows for the currently active application. Again, the windows shrink to appear on the screen together, but generally they shrink less because there are fewer windows in a single application compared to the system as a whole. During this mode, the user can conveniently cycle through windows of different applications by pressing the tab key. In the default preferences, this can be activated using the F10 key on older keyboards or by pressing Control F3on newer Apple aluminum keyboards and the Macbook keyboard.
  • The "Desktop" feature moves all windows off the screen, with just the edges of the windows visible at the side of the screen, giving the user clear access to the desktop. In the default preferences, this can be activated using the F11 key or by pressing Command F3on newer Apple aluminum keyboards and the Macbook keyboard.

how to install openvpn on mac ?


來這裡看看就知道了.  configuration file 跟 openvpn 的一樣喔!!

client.pfx 也是相同的

2010年4月20日 星期二

Mac 畫面截取

因為常常需要製作一些操作手冊之類的東西 會需要截圖來做說明~
嘿嘿~不用怕 什麼都沒裝 我們就來使用MAC內建的截圖功能吧~
1.蘋果鍵+Shift+3 可以把整個畫面截取
2.蘋果鍵+Shift+4 截取想要的畫面 會出現一個十字游標 再拖曳選取所要的範圍就行了
3.蘋果鍵+Shift+4+空白鍵 這時候會出現一台相機圖示 可以選擇所要截取的視窗 所選取的視窗會發亮
呃…我都照上面說的做了 怎麼什麼事情都沒發生呢 到繪圖軟體跟文書軟體裡面貼圖都沒有東西呀??
接觸蘋果系統不久 尚在學習中 以上幾個指令希望可以幫助到跟CK一樣是蘋果初學者的人~

2010年4月17日 星期六

installed soft on my mbp at 20100418

bittorrent (transmission)
terminal client
openvpn (tunnelblick)
聯絡人(outlook export and import use mac standard 聯絡人匯入功能)