2011年8月21日 星期日

how to disable DDL replication on Shareplex7 ?

list param all capture
if you see live. mean it is a live parameter.

1.For shareplex 7.x,  "alter table move" DDL is replicated to target by default.
From source,  
sp_ctrl> set SP_OCT_REPLICATE_DDL from 3 to 0, can disable the DDL replication.

2.All three "alter table" ddls  has replicated to target,   two of them got error due to parallel execution.
cd /log
grep ORA-  event*
grep -i alter *ddl*

3.You can set the following parameter in target, to keep post running run when DDL error.
Sp_ctrl>set param SP_OPO_STOP_ON_DDL_ERR 0

